
Modern Times Marketing Tips

Posted by aonenetworks On February 16, 2014

business-graphics-1428652-mTimes have changed, and with them, so have your audiences and strategies. Putting an ad in the newspaper or going to local events is simply not enough anymore.  A business now has to learn to reach out in different, more innovative ways. Read on to learn of a few ways to gain new business by marketing your company.

Find People on Twitter

Create a list of people that have something to do with your business that are on Twitter. Journalists, clients, staff – you name it. Follow those people and get to know them individually.  Send messages that really matter to them when they decide to follow you, too. Personalized messages are pretty rare, and they help you stand out in a crowd of larger companies. Send an automated message to confirm, but always follow up later with a personal message as well.

Provide Exclusive Content on Facebook

When you want to start spreading your brand, create special events and coupons on Facebook to give away to loyal fans. It’s fun, shows customer appreciation, and encourages people to “share the savings” with their friends and family. When people post positive things on your Facebook or other page, make sure you send them a nice little coupon as a “thank you for using my brand!”.  Customers love to know that companies are listening, reading, and caring about what they have to say.

Are you Using Analytics?

Even though there are free versions of analytics available for anyone to use, most small businesses fail to take advantage.  This isn’t wise. Google Analytics are free and can tell you valuable and priceless information about the effectiveness of your website. How else are you going to know if your marketing tactic is working? Analytics are easy to install on a website and there are plenty of tutorial videos out there to teach you how to install them with ease.



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