
How to Refocus Your Employees for Success

Posted by aonenetworks On August 31, 2012

Sometimes you have an employee that is an excellent employee, but has trouble focusing on the bigger picture. You catch them avoiding work regularly and they don’t seem to be giving you their all. However, it’s expensive to replace employees like this, and sometimes using the right techniques will bring them back into the fold. Check out the following tips to see if you can energize your employee instead of making them take a hike.

Time Your Talk

The right time to broach the subject of inadequacy with an employee is different for everyone. Much of the time, it’s easiest to talk to an employee after the morning routine or right after lunch. Sometimes if you can’t seem to find a way to bring the topic up, waiting until the employee makes the same mistake again so you can point it out. This way, you can express your concern and use concrete examples to back up your claims. This will help your team member really understand the problem at hand. If you speak before the mistake happens again, employees will sometimes feel like you’re attacking them without any evidence to back your complaints up.

Take Your Employee Out of the Regular Setting

Your goal is ultimately to make your employee notice what’s wrong with his or her behavior or habits. One of the easiest ways to spring the employee out of their comfort zone is to remove them from it completely. Change environments so that your message gets across completely. Take them to a Starbucks or have them go on a walk with you around the local park. They will probably immediately seem like different people, and maybe both of you together can work through the issues that you have with the quality of your employee’s work.

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